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What's the function of scented candles?

We all know that a scented candle is a fabulous luxury, bringing you peace and joy.

                   What's the function of scented candles?


Four functions:


1Clean the air quality and create a pollution-free living space.


2Promoting metabolism helps to maintain respiratory skills and smooth breathing.


3Regulate physiological function and relieve mental pressure.


4It can make people feel comfortable and relaxed, and stimulate the potential vitality of human body.


Eight benefits:


1.First, improve environmental sanitation, remove peculiar smell, decompose secondhand smoke and essence air.


2Strengthen resistance, prevent disease and reduce hypertension.


3Increase vital capacity.


4Improve respiratory tract, nasal sensitivity, asthma and other problems.


5Mosquito repellent, antibacterial, acarid.


6Balance hormones, activate cells, prevent aging.


7It can refresh the mind and enhance the memory.


8Soothe irritability, relieve pressure, insomnia, headache, make the mood happy.